When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. This may be necessary for various reasons, such as severe tooth decay, advanced gum disease, tooth infection, impaction, or to address orthodontic concerns. The procedure involves numbing the area with local anesthesia, loosening the tooth within its socket, and then carefully extracting it using specialized dental instruments. At Cedar Creek Dental: Office of Dr. Phil Han, tooth extraction is performed to alleviate pain, prevent the spread of infection, address structural issues, or prepare for further dental treatments like dentures or orthodontic procedures. After extraction, proper post-operative care is essential for healing, and in some cases, the dentist may recommend tooth replacement options for functional and aesthetic reasons. 

The Reasons for Tooth Extraction 

  • Extensive decay that cannot be effectively treated with restorative procedures such as fillings or crowns may require extraction. 
  • In cases of severe gum disease, where the tooth’s supporting structures are compromised, extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection. 
  • Untreated infections within the tooth or the surrounding tissues may necessitate extraction to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the mouth or body. 
  • Tooth extraction may be part of orthodontic treatment to address overcrowding and achieve proper teeth alignment. 
  • Teeth that are severely damaged due to trauma or injury, beyond repair through restorative procedures, may need to be extracted. 
  • Extraction may be necessary for individuals getting dentures, ensuring proper fit and function. 
  • Extraction in Portland, OR, may be recommended when there are extra teeth or when teeth are excessively crowded, impacting overall dental health. 

The Types of Tooth Extraction 

Simple Extractions 

This type of extraction is performed on teeth visible in the mouth and accessible to the dentist. Using specialized instruments, the dentist in Portland, OR, loosens the tooth and gently removes it from the socket. Simple extractions are typically carried out under local anesthesia, ensuring the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure. This type of extraction is common for teeth affected by decay, periodontal disease, or those requiring removal for orthodontic reasons. 

Surgical Extractions 

Surgical extractions are more complex and are typically performed on teeth that are not easily accessible or visible, such as impacted wisdom teeth or teeth with incomplete eruption. In a surgical extraction, the dentist may need to make an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth or remove bone around the tooth. This procedure is often done under local anesthesia, and in some cases, sedation may be utilized for patient comfort. Surgical extractions are also employed when a tooth is broken at the gumline or has multiple roots that require sectioning for removal. 

If you are experiencing pain from an infected or damaged tooth, visit Cedar Creek Dental: Office of Dr. Phil Han at 11786 SW Barnes Rd #360, Portland, OR 97225, or call (503) 646-1811. Schedule your consultation today for personalized care and a comfortable experience.


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